Saturday, December 09, 2006

One weekend in November

These are photos from a few weekends ago. The school arranged a university exchange day trip. Half the students were Japanese students and the other half were foreign students. We visited a small town called Gujo Hachiman which is the middle of Gifu prefecture. Lately has been very busy with school, I also moved out of my host-family's house into one of the dorms, and am getting ready for finals. I'll explain more about these photos in a few days.

Just a quick run down of the places:
first few photos are from a fake food factory we visited. We toured their little museum and then had the opportunity to make our own food. The two greenish looking things I'm holding is lettuce.

Next we ate lunch in town with some of the Japanese students we made friends with. The town itself was quite old and is famous for its spring water. There were alot of nice wood patterns on the houses and interesting pathways.

We then ventured up a mountain to pay a visit to the local castle. The leaves looked spectacular that day, and made a nice contrast with the white walls of the castle.

Lastly, we went to a highway rest area that had a ferris wheel. It was mostly a place to eat, with alot of little food shops and the best crepes I've ever eaten in my life.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's always a pleasure looking through your photos. Hope you're having a fantastic time!

17 December, 2006 00:13  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awesome - just awesome!

17 December, 2006 17:28  
Blogger David said...

holy god. two black omens blow across the golden face of the rupakaya, my mother, her power line, and her fucking beautiful eyes....these pictures are proof that this universe is divine.

21 December, 2006 04:18  
Blogger Unknown said...

Rick, you've made the blogosphere a beautiful place. Sam and I miss the days of Urna, Lily Pad and Pages. Hope all is well.

01 February, 2007 23:32  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


What a pleasure to see through your eyes. Your photography is wonderful. Hope all is well.

Happy Losar.

Kind Regards,


08 February, 2007 06:07  

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